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Automobile Gear Series

Automobile Gear Laser Welding Machine

Automobile gear laser welding is a development trend. At present, the world's automobile manufacturers have used the laser welding gear to replace traditional welding methods, such as ERW (electric resistance welding), induction welding and EBM (electron beam welding). The laser gear welding can work in non-vacuum. Without welding deformation,the gear has no need to be further processed after welding. In addition, the welding joints have general mechanical performance that is equivalent or superior to base metals, which ensures the larger torque transmission of gears.
Automobile Gear Laser Welding Machine
Automobile Gear Series
Automobile gear laser welding is a development trend. At present, the world's automobile manufacturers have used the laser welding gear to replace traditional welding methods, such as ERW (electric resistance welding), induction welding and EBM (electron beam welding). The laser gear welding can work in non-vacuum. Without welding deformation,the gear has no need to be further processed after welding. In addition, the welding joints have general mechanical performance that is equivalent or superior to base metals, which ensures the larger torque transmission of gears.



The welding technology of FARLRY wins a lot of national patent certifications and all kinds of authoritative awards. Our machines are very popular

in domestic and have been exported to Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions. FARLRY not only develops first-class laser welding machine, but

also provides suitable welding application solutions for customers.

Automobile gear laser welding is a development trend. At present, the world's automobile manufacturers have used the laser welding gear to replace

traditional welding methods, such as ERW (electric resistance welding), induction welding and EBM (electron beam welding). The laser gear welding

can work in non-vacuum. Without welding deformation, the gear has no need to be further processed after welding. In addition, the welding joints have

general mechanical performance that is equivalent or superior to base metals, which ensures the larger torque transmission of gears.



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